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Arab-Australian business leaders call for balance
October 25, 2014, AFR, Tony Walker Arab Australian business leaders all agree on the high stakes here of conflict caused by extreme...
Long-term tensions behind Sydney riots
December 13, 2005, BBC News, Kim Camberg Residents, police and politicians are all asking what has fuelled the violence which has swept...
The vulnerable win a heroically inclined crusaderMay 31, 1989, Melbourne Times, Sonia Harford
May 31, 1989, Melbourne Times, Sonia Harford Roland Jabbour, a Lebanese businessman and community leader defies the image of the choirboy...
Rise of the xenophobe could see Australia miss the boat on Middle Eastern trade
July 25, 2002, Sydney Morning Herald, Roland Jabbour The threat by Iraq to halve wheat exports from Australia as a result of its...
Howard calls for tolerance after Australian beach riotDecember 12, 2005, NY Times, AP
December 12, 2005, NY Times, AP SYDNEY — Prime MinisterJohn Howardcalled for ethnic and religious tolerance on Monday after racial...
Article offended Australian ValuesNovember 18, 1995, Herald Sun, Roland JabbourThe article titled
November 18, 1995, Herald Sun, Roland Jabbour The article titled “Back to rule by the gun” by “visiting British historian” David...
We are not extremists, local Arab leaders say
June 19 1996, The Age, Tim Pegler, Jason Koutsoukis Melbourne’s Arabic community fears the arrest of a man linked to international...
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